Unstable Line at AIR Gallery

AIR Gallery (Altrincham, UK) presents Unstable Line, a contemporary drawing exhibit featuring linear works in  a range of approaches and media .The works of nine artists is presented, including Anna Turner, Emily Stollery, Jeannie Driver, Kate McDonnell, Mark Houghton, Michaela D'Agati, Mikk Jager,  Nicole Lenzi, and Sarah Louise Hawkins.

The show will have a private preview January 27 from 6-10 p.m. The exhibition continues from January 28- February 19, 2022.

See more on this exhibit at AIR Gallery@info.airgallery 

@annaturnerstudio @emilystollery @jeanniedriverartist @katemcdonnellart @dmhoughton @michaeladagati   @nicolelenzistudio @sarahlouisehawkins
