Duet: David Lemm and Adam Hinterlang Systems

Duets brings together two artists, David Lemm and Adam Hinterlang, who explore how systems can affect and  create drawings.

David Lemm
Sign for Kilbeg No. 1, 2018
Watercolor, graphite, and wax on admiralty chart
24 x 24 cm

Adam Hinterlang, Kinetic Drawing 06

Adam Hinterlang, Kinetic Drawing 05

Explore more about their processes on Expanded, their websites, and instagram.

David Lemm: https://expandeddrawingpractices.blogspot.com/2021/01/david-lemm-imagined-signage-systems.html 

website: https://davidlemm.co.uk/

instagram: @david_lemm

Adam Hinterlang: Adam Hinterlang: Kinetic Iterations and Systems (expandeddrawingpractices.blogspot.com) and

 website: http://www.adamhinterlang.com/kinetic-drawings/ 

 instagram: @adamhinterlang
