Maren Henson: Videos

See Maren Henson's video links:

Video Stills

Living In LettersCharcoal on Paper with Audio and Interactive Element, 2016.
From A-Z I have created a drawing for each letter, while creating the drawings I was recording the drawing process using contact mics. I put the sound of each drawing/letters creation into a program called MAXmsp, I had a webcam in the space and when a viewer walked in front of the drawings they would make the sound of their creation.

B:Home – Video, 1:01, 2018
This video is a collection of footage of my ceiling during the day, the sound is a combination of the recordings I made while home in Texas driving on the highway and the sound of the plane on the way home. I collected several automated voices saying the word house or home. The letter B is based in the word home and it’s shape resembles a floorplan, this video is a short clip of a future installation questioning this notion of home and how we communicate. 

A conversation between the letter A and the letter BVideo Installation, 3:33, 2017
Video Installation of my shadow is projected on a room covered in paper. This video drawing depicts the moment when the letter A and the letter B meet each other for the first time, in their paper covered home. The sound was created through my voice mimicking how it sounds when the sentences are written.
